Online Security
Our Online Security Practices
At North Trust® Financial, your security and privacy are our highest priorities. We protect you by:
- Securing your information with industry-standard encryption.
- Setting strict requirements for passwords.
- Requiring multi-factor authentication for certain transactions.
- Automatic log-out after a period of inactivity.
- Ongoing and proactive suspicious activity monitoring.
We also ask that you take precautions such as keeping your User ID and password safe, running an updated version of your virus protection software, and notifying us immediately if you suspect fraudulent activity. Learn more about our online security practices.
See links below for ways to help safeguard your information online:
Choosing Effective Passwords
Suggestions for creating safer passwords and some cautions against weaker ones.
Help Protect Your Computer From Spyware
Spyware allows hackers to extract sensitive data from your computer.
Safe Online and Mobile Banking
Online security and protection of your identity and personal information is a team effort.